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polymerization of aluminum solid product


polymerization of aluminum solid product with water at room temperature by 1:2.5-1:3 [weight ratio] mixing stirring for about 30 minutes after the drugs completely dissolved, add 30-40 times diluted with water or diluted depending on the desired concentration into a liquid[source the greater the turbidity of the water, the secondary dilution add water to the more].
Source water turbidity in the 100-500mg / L, the dosage of 5-10mg per one thousand tons of water dosage is 5-10kg. Small scale water quality characteristics of the best pre-select the best value, and then vote with.
polymerization of aluminum packaging is lined with plastic bags, with outer surface of plastic laminating bags, each bag weighs 25 kilograms.
Store in a cool, dry place to prevent the sun and rain.