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sodium hydrosulphide use:


sodium hydrosulphide use:

sodium hydrosulphide packaging lined with plastic bags, with outer surface of plastic sheeting woven bag weight of 25 kg.
sodium hydrosulphide is stored in a cool, dry place to prevent the sun and rain.
Solid product with water at room temperature 1:2.5-1:3 [weight ratio] mixed stirred for about 30 minutes. Drugs completely dissolved, add 30-40 times diluted with water or diluted into a liquid according to the desired concentration using the [the greater the source water turbidity, the secondary dilution add water more. Source water turbidity in the 100-500mg / L, the dosage of 5-10mg per one thousand tons of water dosage is 5-10kg. Small scale water quality characteristics of the best pre-select the best value, and then vote with.